Wednesday 30 March 2016

WordPress Plugins

What is a WordPress Plugin?

A WP plugin is some code that you add to your website to add more functions to your website. There is a huge selection of them available, many are free, and some cost money. Don’t be alarmed, I know just the mention of “code” is enough to send you running.

Never fear, using plugins is a very simple process, just a few clicks and you are ready to go. Awhile ago, I wrote about seven “must have” plugins . You can read all about how to install them there. You will probably find others you want to use as time goes on, the process is the same.
I have had questions about how to add a set of icons for social media to your website. By that I mean the buttons for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and lots more.  The good news is that there are quite a few plugins that provide an easy solution. One of my personal favorites is “Social Profiles widget”. All you have to do is go into the add new plugins and search for it. 

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Where Is My Internet Marketing Success?! Have I Failed!?

It Was Supposed To Be Easy!
I’ve been trying to make money online for about 2 years now. Has it been all Ferraris, cocktails and laptops on the beach? Well in a word, NO. In fact I’m starting to feel duped and pretty stupid.

This post is going to be frank and to the point about my unsuccessful attempts to make money online so far. Hopefully you can relate to my situation.

Easy Online Money and Riches? Hell No!
Making money online is a tough beast to tame. There is just so much information out there. Which system should I pick? What product is the best? What should I focus on? Facebook or Adsense or the latest SEO craze? Should I create a product or do affiliate marketing!! Arrgh it drives me nuts!!

I have bought so many internet marketing products I should be a multi-millionaire by now. Well that’s what they sold to me anyway.

What I have just recently realised is that I have information overload! This info overload has stifled my success and ground my internet money making into the ground.

I have been flip flopping. Trying one system then another then another. Hoping to find the “one” system that will work and bring me the success and the money that I have been promised for so long.

I have found there is no missing link, magic pill or push button system to making money online.

This all got too much and I wanted to find out the answers to why I was not succeeding online.  I know of others that have made thousands online in a matter of days and I wanted their strategies and systems. How come they are making the money and I am not!

I will share with you in my next post more about what I found. It will shock and surprise you.

But I want to hear about you. Are you in a similar place? How much success have you got so far? Where do you feel you are stuck?

A start to making money is working with a like minded group!! So if you feel in a similar place please comment below and share this article with as many people as you can. Together we can work this out and make a killing!