The free web hosting solution is a suitable option if you do not wish to give money for your web portal or you are making your first steps in web page design and would like to learn how well you can do, but you are unwilling to pay for that. Furthermore, if you want a web page for a particular occasion such as a class reunion, a fundraising campaign, or local elections, you may think about a charge-free webspace hosting service as you will not be constrained by any service contracts and you will not have to pay on a monthly or yearly basis for the web space hosting solution, which you may not even make use of after the event has passed.
Negative Side No.1: Forced Ads
Irrespective of how satisfactory the free-of-charge web site hosting solution might seem, it also has drawbacks - exactly because it is free-of-charge. Since the customers do not pay for their web page hosting plans, the only way for the web hosting company to provide this service is to embed adverts on every page of your web portal. Some companies even use pop-up windows and this may deter your website visitors from examining it or from coming back again in the near future. The advertisements will also make any business web site look inadequate - very few people would purchase anything from a web hosting firm that cannot afford to pay for its own web portal.
Negative Side No.1: Forced Ads
Irrespective of how satisfactory the free-of-charge web site hosting solution might seem, it also has drawbacks - exactly because it is free-of-charge. Since the customers do not pay for their web page hosting plans, the only way for the web hosting company to provide this service is to embed adverts on every page of your web portal. Some companies even use pop-up windows and this may deter your website visitors from examining it or from coming back again in the near future. The advertisements will also make any business web site look inadequate - very few people would purchase anything from a web hosting firm that cannot afford to pay for its own web portal.
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