Sunday, 2 April 2017

Product Creation Obstacles and Losing Focus-Internet Marketing

I’ve stepped back a little from the internet marketing world of late. There are a number of reasons for this. I will go into them all in a minute. But as of right now I plan to turn this around and plan my first product launch.

This is quite a personal post and will share information many people keep under wraps.

One of the products I have recently been working on was a WordPress plugin. I had a great idea for a plugin so I hired a developer and he got working on it.

Working with him started really well and we made great progress.

There were a number of functional additions and design changes along the way and it was looking pretty good and he handled all my changes really well. We would Skype most weeks to discuses the details. We had a number of iterations of the plugin under our belts and it was looking good.

Then things changed… my belief in the plugin as a product started to slip. I started to doubt the product. And on top of that the developer was doing a bit of a disappearing act. And was getting harder and harder to get hold of.

I also started to find small bugs in the software. Some times it wouldn’t function properly or would corrupt a whole blog post. This wasn’t good.

I had a few people test the plugin and most got it working fine and praised it. A much needed boost of confidence I needed. Some did see the errors and issues I had found. Which only cemented my doubts further.

Also around this time my work load in my day job increased rapidly. I used to have time at work to think about and action some of my internet marketing ventures. Now my time was in big demand I was working longer hours and in the middle of managing a complex IT project at!

I would get home knackered  (that’s really tired to the American folk :-) and drained and working on my failing plugin was getting further and further from my mind.

So my dreams of being a software CEO seemed to be slipping away even further.

Once these types of blocks and obstacles happen is is so hard to get back on the horse, focus my mind, and get cracking again.

Also during this time I attended the Marketing Summit in Manchester UK. My first live internet marketing event. These are great for seeing what others are doing, meeting like minded people and getting killer ideas.

The first speaker up was Brad Gosse. He is a great speaker and was full of amazing stories and information. But what really stuck with me was one of the businesses he has. He mentioned it’s good to have some kind of evergreen that’s always in demand business. And to steer away from the information that is timely. meaning it will be obsolete in a year if not a month! Like that latest SEO technique you’ve been trying.

Anyway at that point I had a light bulb moment and my head was filled with “I could do that!”

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