Wednesday, 2 November 2016

How to Embed Video in a WordPress Website

I was recently asked how to embed videos on a WordPress website. I love the fact that WordPress makes it so easy. It is really great when you record your own video. I recently connected with someone in a Linkedin group I belong to who has written a book.

He made a video talking about it and put it on the home page of his website. Just from watching it, I am curious about his book. He has discovered his passion. When his book comes out, I will check it out. That is the power of video.

Easy steps to embed videos on your website.
Make sure you click the HTML tab on the top of the toolbar.

Next you add the embed code. If you are using a video from You tube, you can get the embed code by clicking on the share button.

Find the embed code by click on the embed button.
Copy the highlighted html code.

below the highlighted code you will see that you can choose the size you want the video box to be. Usually the smallest choice works well on WordPress. In some cases, you may want to have a custom size. For instance, if you want the video in your sidebar, you want to size it appropriately. In most cases, the sidebar is only 300 pixels wide.

If that is the case, you want to choose the custom option. You add the width, and the height will be proportionate.

Now that you have the embed code, all you have to do is go back to your website and paste it in the post. Remember that you have to have chosen the HTML tab. If you want it centered, simply paste the code between <center></center>. In other words, place <center> before the code and </center> after the code.

How to tutorial on how to embed video

I would love to hear any questions you may have. In addition, I am always available for one on one sessions to get you on your way with WordPress. I like to do a screen share so it is like having me sitting next to you walking you through the process.

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