Have you ever wonder that being online could make you rich? There are lots of ways by which you can earn money online such as blogging, data typing and lots more. Blogging is one of the effective ways to earn money unless you know this term accurately. Blogging is basically a procedure of updating various articles/contents on a blog or an online journal. Blogging is not only a single term but there are lots of terms under Blogging words as well and one of them is Google Adsense. Well yeah here in this article we are going to describe you some topics which will reveal all the secrets to becoming rich/ earn money in short period of time but yeah a lot of hard work is needed.
Google Adsense – The Key of Success
Here we are going to provide you the procedure of making Money with the help of Google Adsense. Well but before getting this procedure, you must be aware of the term – Google Adsence. Right? So before letting you the procedure, we are going to highlight the definition of this term with you all. Google Adsence is one of the effective ways monetize the traffic in your site as well as easy to use. After 2003, Google Adsence is one of the best top earners till now. Today we will gonna share a super and beneficial secret with you all which shall help you a lot only if you do read each point carefully so what we waiting for, let’s started.
How to Make Money With the Help of Google Adsense –
Well you mmust be aware of the pay per click marketing. Whenever you search for any key word in any site, you must have watched some ads popping up on middle of that particular site. Well the reason behind putting an ad on the site is to come on the first position of highest bid and most “quality” ad. As the adviser who gets most of the click on the ads, his site automatically gets highlighted on the first page of Google plus each click on the ad gives you 69% of that click and rest amount goes to Google. This whole mechanism is called Google Adsense.
First of all you have to apply for Google Adsense and that is possible only when your site do gave near about 30 contents/ articles. After that you can visit http://adsense.google.com to apply for Google Adsense.
Once your request gets accepted by Google, simply paste the HTML link into the page you want your ads to be shown. Well there is no use of Google Adsense or these ads, if you do not have much visitors on your site so make sure that your site gets traffic on daily basis and for that your content must be effective.
To get enough traffic on your site, you need to create a channel. Now confused? Well no need to be, as we are going to provide you the steps of creating the same. Well now, one more question must have hit your mind – how come creating channel would help to gather much traffic? Right? Well creating channel simply gives you the capability to see, which unit is working best so that you can work on rest of the units. It is very important to maximize CTR – click through rate to optimize your site.
Well to know the procedure of making money with the help of Google Adsense, you need to follow these simple steps which are given below. Take a look.
1) First of all you need to create a unit. For that you need to sign in to you Adsense account. Go to the option of Adsense and from the left corner, click on my ads option.
Now you have to click on create a new ad unit. Reference image in given below
2) Now you have to give name of your Ad, general settings you can say. Yes you can write any name you want but using standard naming format is the best option you can choose ever. Reference image in given below
3) Pick the size and type of your Ad and create a custom channel for your ad. Reference image in given below
4) Design your ad campaign. To design your ad campaign, you must know how to analyse your content. After that you have to optimise you ad placement and site design. Reference image in given below
5) First of all you need to understand which step will provide you more benefits. For example you much be aware of your own expectations. Try to give more focus on CPC – Cost per Click, Traffic on your site, CTR – click through rate. These are one of the most important terms which should be understood by those who want to work on Google Adsense.
6) Well if you really want to earn money with the help of Google Adsense then the articles which you are providing in your site must be excellent and worth reading as it directly affect on the reputation of your site so keep this thing is mind that “Content is the king in the world of blogging”.
So guys if you have any doubts or query you can feel free to ask your queries via comments
Google Adsense – The Key of Success
Here we are going to provide you the procedure of making Money with the help of Google Adsense. Well but before getting this procedure, you must be aware of the term – Google Adsence. Right? So before letting you the procedure, we are going to highlight the definition of this term with you all. Google Adsence is one of the effective ways monetize the traffic in your site as well as easy to use. After 2003, Google Adsence is one of the best top earners till now. Today we will gonna share a super and beneficial secret with you all which shall help you a lot only if you do read each point carefully so what we waiting for, let’s started.
How to Make Money With the Help of Google Adsense –
Well you mmust be aware of the pay per click marketing. Whenever you search for any key word in any site, you must have watched some ads popping up on middle of that particular site. Well the reason behind putting an ad on the site is to come on the first position of highest bid and most “quality” ad. As the adviser who gets most of the click on the ads, his site automatically gets highlighted on the first page of Google plus each click on the ad gives you 69% of that click and rest amount goes to Google. This whole mechanism is called Google Adsense.
First of all you have to apply for Google Adsense and that is possible only when your site do gave near about 30 contents/ articles. After that you can visit http://adsense.google.com to apply for Google Adsense.
Once your request gets accepted by Google, simply paste the HTML link into the page you want your ads to be shown. Well there is no use of Google Adsense or these ads, if you do not have much visitors on your site so make sure that your site gets traffic on daily basis and for that your content must be effective.
To get enough traffic on your site, you need to create a channel. Now confused? Well no need to be, as we are going to provide you the steps of creating the same. Well now, one more question must have hit your mind – how come creating channel would help to gather much traffic? Right? Well creating channel simply gives you the capability to see, which unit is working best so that you can work on rest of the units. It is very important to maximize CTR – click through rate to optimize your site.
Well to know the procedure of making money with the help of Google Adsense, you need to follow these simple steps which are given below. Take a look.
1) First of all you need to create a unit. For that you need to sign in to you Adsense account. Go to the option of Adsense and from the left corner, click on my ads option.
Now you have to click on create a new ad unit. Reference image in given below
2) Now you have to give name of your Ad, general settings you can say. Yes you can write any name you want but using standard naming format is the best option you can choose ever. Reference image in given below
3) Pick the size and type of your Ad and create a custom channel for your ad. Reference image in given below
4) Design your ad campaign. To design your ad campaign, you must know how to analyse your content. After that you have to optimise you ad placement and site design. Reference image in given below
5) First of all you need to understand which step will provide you more benefits. For example you much be aware of your own expectations. Try to give more focus on CPC – Cost per Click, Traffic on your site, CTR – click through rate. These are one of the most important terms which should be understood by those who want to work on Google Adsense.
6) Well if you really want to earn money with the help of Google Adsense then the articles which you are providing in your site must be excellent and worth reading as it directly affect on the reputation of your site so keep this thing is mind that “Content is the king in the world of blogging”.
So guys if you have any doubts or query you can feel free to ask your queries via comments
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